If you are interested in applying to any of these centres, please get in touch with the relevant persons for the particular Centre.
The details for each centre or satellite are listed below:
A/A | Program Director | Organization | Type |
01 | Fotini Athanassopoulou | University of Thessaly, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Laboratory of Ichthyology, Fish Diseases and Aquaculture, 224 Trikalon str., Karditsa, Greece 43100, Tel:0030 2441066008, 66056, Fax:0030 24410 66045, Email: eathan@vet.uth.gr, foteini8@gmail.com, WEB: www.uth.gr | Training |
02 | Fabio Marino | Centro di Ittiopatologia Sperimentale della Sicilia (CISS) (Centre for Experimental Fish Pathology of Sicily), Department of Veterinary Sciences, Polo Universitario dell’Annunziata, 98168 Messina, Tel: 00390903503711, fax: 0039 0903503842, email.:marinof@unime.it | Training |
03 | Luciana Madrioli | Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences (DIMEVET), Via Tolara di Sopra 50, zip code 40064, Ozzano Emilia, Bologna, University of Bologna, Italy, Tel :+39 051 2097006, Fax:+39 051 2097038, Email: amministrazione.vet@unibo.it; luciana.mandrioli@unibo.it, WEB: http://www.scienzemedicheveterinarie.unibo.it | Training |
04 | Verena Jung-Schroers | University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Fish Disease Unit (FDU), Bünteweg 17, 30559 Hannover, Germany Tel: +495119538889, Fax: +495119538587, Email: fisch@tiho-hannover.de; verena.jung-schroers@tiho-hannover.de, WEB: www.tiho-hannover.de | Training |
05 | Vasileios Bakopoulos | University of The Aegean, School of The Environment, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Laboratory of Ichthyology, Aquaculture and Aquatic Animal Health, University Hill, Mytilene, Lesvos Island, Greece 81100, Tel:0030 22510-36870, Fax:0030 22510-36809, Email: v.bakopoulos@marine.aegean.gr, WEB: http://www.aegean.gr | Satellite |
06 | Maurizio Manera | Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e Molise “G. Caporale” (IZSAM). Campo Boario, I-64100 Teramo (TE), Italy. Tel: +39 0861 3321; Fax +39 0861 332251, Email: comunicazione@izs.it, Web: http://www.izs.it/IZS/ | Satellite |
07 | Gionata De Vico | University of Naples Federico II – Dept. Biology – Via Cinthia, Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo, ED.7, 80126, Naples, Italy, Tel:0039(0)812535134 , Fax:0039(0)812535134 Email: gionata.devico@unina.it, WEB: http://www.dipartimentodibiologia.unina.it |
Satellite |
08 | Magi Gian Enrico | University of Camerino, School of Biosciences and Veterinary Medicine, Via Circonvallazione 93/95, 62024 Matelica (MC), Italy | Satellite |
09 | Ursula Siebert | University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Institute for Terrestrail and Aquatic Wildlife Research (ITAW) Werftstr. 6, 25761 Büsum, Germany, Tel:49 511 8568158, Fax: 49 511 8568181, Email: Ursula.siebert@tiho-hannover.de, WEB: www.tiho-hannover.de | Satellite |
10 | Niccolò Vendramin | Kemitorvet Training Centre Organization: National Institute of Aquatic Resources, Section for Fish and Shellfish Diseases Address: Kemitorvet, 202, 4230 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark Phone: +4521429148 Email: niven@aqua.dtu.dk WEB: http://www.aqua.dtu.dk |
Training |
11 | Marco Galeotti | Udine Training Centre Organization: Department of Agrifood, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine Address: Via Palladio n. 8, 33100, Udine (UD), Italy. Phone: +390432558594 Email: marco.galeotti@uniud.it WEB: https://people.uniud.it/page/marco.galeotti |
Training |
12 | Heike Schmidt-Posthaus | Vetsuisse Training Centre Institute for Fish and Wildlife Health (FIWI), Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, Länggassstrasse 122, 3012 Bern, Switzerland Email: fischdiagnostik.vetsuisse@unibe.ch WEB: https://www.vetsuisse.unibe.ch/ | Training |
13 | Eva Lewisch | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Clinical Division for Fish Health. Veterinaerplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria Email: eva.lewisch@vetmeduni.ac.at WEB: https://www.vetmeduni.ac.at | Training |